
Digital Revolution: The Future of Artificial Intelligence

Ms. Afra Banu A, M.A (English)

   Switch to the new normal

Everything around us has already changed, starting with our lifestyle to communication and technology got its tremendous form of growth. The Human king is already overthrown by programmed software. Indeed it's time for less labourforce and more programmed intelligence, Artificial Intelligence. Yes, the Digital Revolution is a new normal fact that everyone of us should accept. Artificial Intelligence is molding the future of humankind across all the sectors.

Digital Transformation by AI

AI has become a widespread piece of modern life.It has conquered all the aspects of day to day dealings from Google Algorithm, chatbox for customer services and even in the name of Alexa from Amazon, a voice assistance, we brought AI into our homes. Among all tech development AI sits at the core of almost every firm. Almost all Tech companies of this world are actively researching or implementing AI for their development. Its advancement has helped to solve many core problems of the technological industry. Security, automation, function and productivity are the important features of AI, moving the digital world to its higher level of enrichment and enlightenment.

AI’s Efficiency 

Due to the efficiency of AI, it has been vastly used in many fields and created a significant role in the technology. AI enhances the convenience and the speed of our daily lives. 

  • Its endurance and accessibility nature can perform and implement the monotonous, repetitive and laborious job hassle-free without any errors possibly.

  • It has the potential to make healthcare more accessible and affordable to those in need. It has all the features like diagnosing the problem, symptom checking, prescription, and access to the best physicians of the world.

  • It helps farmers to achieve their yield by identifying the crop which should be cultivated, irrigation pattern, fertilizers and pesticides treatment. 

  • It conducts a predictive analysis and forecasts the weather, economy, stocks, production which will keep the users on track.

  •  The application of AI in cyber security protects the network security, and manages the attacks from the threats.

  • It helps the cyber security company to suspect the fraud behavior of the user.

  • The Financial sectors like banking uses AI to operate the investments, stocks and manage properties related to it. AI in fintech empower the customer support services by saving the time of the team and let them to focus on their upgradation. It monitors the flow of the work and keeps analyzing the past, present and future. It detects the abnormal activities and financial crime to alert the user.

  •  In the field of trading and investment the AI creates important theories of online functioning of the economy. Millions of trade are carried out by the application of AI without any human intervention. Many financial organizations use to assist the financial practices.Its automated trading function enables the workflow of the small to large institution work easily and effectively.

  • AI helps students to access their needed materials and mentors to complete their tasks, projects or research. In the time of pandemic it has immensely elaborated its wings all over educational firms.

  • Government sectors went paperfree, and could quickly respond to the matters and even analyze the problems of society and perform the solutions without any intermediary easily. AI transforms the public administration and creating an important role in this society.

These in due respect had created a vast improvement in every field of the world.

Is AI a threat to Human Labour?

Well looking at these advancements of science and technology, there has already been significant unemployment in the world. Prominent foretellers, scientists, developers like Stephen Hawkings, Garry Kasparov, Elon Musk, have cautioned the people regarding the negative impact of technologies and its threat to jobless nature. As the creation and  implementation costs are enormous, it cannot take out the jobs of any creative human force easily. AI is replaced only with the routine works of human and frequent services needed for the customers. Though it is programmed with human qualities, it cannot achieve the creative and critical thinking of humans, unless it is programmed by Humans.  

Future world:

Artificial Intelligence is hopefully the growth of scientific temper and has generated what will be the quality of life, future of the world with a positive outlook. It is a new electricity, and has created the spark and is going to light the world soon.


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