
By MS. AFRA BANU.A , Master of Arts (English)

Voice of money :

The gloomy and uncertain condition of the world’s economic status is really challenging  to everyone. The high inflation rates, Ukraine war, pandemic, and the rigid monetary policies questions the economic growth of the world. Thus the economy is tightening. This makes a huge difference in all the business strategies, especially Digital Marketing.

Marketing in recession?

When recession triggers, there comes an idea for customers and business to stop either to buy or to sell. The problem comes when there is shortage in essential goods and services. So the recession winners will be those who act wisely during this period. 

All production and service firms are in quite a dilemma in cut-throat expenses for advertising and marketing. It is the case where you not only shield the marketing strategies but also survive recession.

Where to invest?

What are the best marketing strategies should I use?


Why pursue digital marketing during a recession?

During recession, Customers wallets and producers' budgets get rigid and restricted. So it's important to approach multi-channel gateways to build new shopping manners. In this way digital marketing helps to directly approach the essential customers and reach the products and services.

Many business owners think cutting down the marketing and advertising in recession is the smartest way to survive, but experts claim this isn't. 

Pursuing your digital marketing even during recession will keep your revenue in flow. With digital marketing in flow, tuneup SEO content, paid ad campaigns will efficiently give better results to companies. With pro marketing skills and campaigns possibility of maximum profit in minimum investment, while competitors are cutting themselves out of search results by stopping campaigns.

Comprehending Customer behaviors:

Customers during recession feel less secure about the future, resulting in less expenses. It is how one should position their digital marketing strategies. Regrouping the customers based on their response to the advertisement should be considered, like their approach, significance, curtail, distraction etc. 

Reassurance is the key factor to the beneficiary result. One’s business should reassure using the right tone of voice with the right message with a quality of support. Review customers habits, and then adapt the strategy and message accordingly.

Engaging the customers very easily can be only done via Digital marketing rather than a physical marketing assistance. Never spam them with displeasing ads and support, understand their behaviors in respect with changes.

Yes, Changing Behaviors.

 Conquer Recession?

Has anyone succeeded in the Recession? Yes.

Over many years in the history business had succeeded in recession. Companies like IBM, HP, Microsoft, Uber were all started during the recession. What they understood was their customers and right marketing strategies to survive in the recession period.

Recession may come and go for every decade, what keeps one forward is how they handle it. Must adapt to the changing dynamics of marketing and the economy of the business.

Rise up to the new opportunity everyday..


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